Tuesday, February 28, 2012

To Be, or Not To Be?

Anne Hathaway's cottage
Two weekends ago I took a trip to Stratford Upon Avon with the Dickinson humanities crew to see a production of Taming of the Shrew and to see places relating to Shakespeare. Though I was unfortunately ill due to food I ate at the hostel, it was still an interesting trip. We paid a visit to Shakespeare's birthplace, his home when he was older, and to Anne Hathaway's Cottage. I was very surprised that all of this buildings have been preserved in such good condition and that they are still standing today. Who would have thought they would be able to withstand all of England's fires!! After spending the day doing this, we finished the evening off by seeing Taming of the Shrew. I was unfamiliar with the play, but found the production, which was a play within a play, to be very entertaining.

Lizzie and I posing with a jester statue

In two days my friend Marnie is going to be visiting me from London and I cannot wait!!